Homeobotanical Therapy

Homeobotanical therapy are blended dietary supplements of herbal extract origin which are diluted and dynamized in a homeopathic manner and can be used alongside conventional medicine.

How Can Homeobotanicals Help You?

Homeobotanical remedies have three distinct actions in the body:

  • Physical action including organ drainage or stimulating the elimination of toxins from specific areas of the body.
  • A nutritional component, which assists in the assimilation of minerals and other micronutrients.
  • A synergistic action which reinforces whatever other healing techniques are being employed, as homeobotanicals maintain balance within the body. This enables these remedies to directly stimulate healing within the body.
  • The low potency produces a gentle sustained response resulting in remarkably few issues, even in sensitive people.

© Amanda Cusack

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